Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mock Transfer

Well I figured out why it is called a mock transfer and not mock extraction. I guess they were just seeing how easy the catheter would go in to place the eggs, so it really was a transfer. That went well, they also checked to make sure she didn't have any cysts or fibroids. Good news everything was clear.

I haven't heard anything back on the STD tests, I guess no news is good news. My semen analysis came back at about 4 million per milliliter, not great but about in the middle for where they have been the last few years.

We also got accepted into the Attain program, although not sure it was much of a long shot for a couple our age, they returned it as accepted with a few hours. The attain program is where you pay one set price and get three fresh transfers and three frozen transfers. If you come home with a baby the contract is done, if you exhaust all options and no baby, you get 100% of your money back, minus medications. It is a really good program, because it takes the pressure off, and you don't have to worry if it doesn't work on the first try. They say it is about a 57% chance of success on the first try, so it could very well take a few tries.

Not much else going on the rest of this month, we have a nurse consult next Monday, not sure what all will be discussed, but then the next date is June 5th, that is when we have to sign up for the Attain program by. Then the 19th , when Kathy starts the daily Lupron injections.

So far so good :)

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