Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Next step in our long journey

Well we still have a lot of research to do, but right now it seems God wants us to go to Spain for some reason. We have been doing a lot of research into IVF; quality, rates and costs. It seems that most places have similar rates, and the rates vary more by the age of the woman than by fertility centers. Now quality of care is a big concern. Most people are familiar with the quality of health care we receive in the US and that seems safe. The funny thing is the US is 27th on the WHO's (World Health Organization) list of top countries for health care. The US is also the most expensive (developed) country in the world for IVF. The cost for one try of IVF, not including ICSI, meds, freezing, or testing is $15,000. Canada comes in a close second at $10,000. Most of European countries are around $5,000 and include everything you would need for a successfull IVF cycle.

We have been doing research into the Czech Republic and have been able to find a lot of really good information about IVF there, but with our research we have found that the Czeck is actually below the US for quality of care. So we are starting to lean away from that as an option.

The reason I said it seems God wants us to go to Spain, is Kathy has found some really great information about IVF in Madrid and Spain is the 4th country in the world for quality of health care. The facility we are looking into right now is Procreatec in Madrid Spain. Check out the website: http://www.procreatec.com/fertilidad_clinica_english.html They have English speaking doctors and a state of the art facility. One cycle of IVF there runs about $5,000 (US) and includes; ICSI, assisted hatching. genetic testing, freezing, storage, and all medicines. The freezing and storage are key, because you can do a second try with the frozen embryos for $1,000 (US). In addition to the $5,000 will be airfare ($1,400), Hotel ($1,100) and travel coordinator/chauffeur ($400). So for about $7,900 we would have the best chance of conceiving a child and a wonderful trip to Spain.

The other top option right now is the Shady Grove Fertility Center in Rockville, MD. It's funny, that is where we used to live and we could probably stay with our friend Charles. The nice thing about this option is they give you 6 tries and if you don't give birth to a child, you get all of your money back. The problem is it costs $29,500 to do this. With what we currently have saved this isn't an option with out a loan of some sort. Knowing that being a parent isn't cheap I hate to go into that much debt to have a child and then have trouble providing for that child.

I'm sure there will be a lot more to follow.

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