Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick Update

Kathy had her baseline ultrasound and estrodial today. We should be knocking the Lupron down to .5 ml for tomorrow. We start the stim meds on July 2nd. Then have another estrodial on July 4th. Kind of messes up the long weekend, but it is totally worth it. Kathy stopped drinking when we started the Lupron shots, I don't think she needed to yet, but it is better to get used to not drinking now, then after this works :) a guy can hope right.

Now off to a Twins game...That would be pretty cool if we ended up with Twins ( I'm so going to regret saying that when I'm changing twice as many diapers)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well Kathy started with out me Sunday. I was at a bachelor party for one of my good friends, so her mom was nice enough to give her the first and second Lupron shots. She is still taking the birth control pills as well.

Of all things you would think a bunch of guys at a bachelor party would be talking about, one of Aaron's friends and I started talking and it turns out he and his wife are going through the same thing this summer. They are at a different office in Minneapolis that has a three try program. It was kind of nice to talk to another guy about the whole process and everything.

My cousin Shannon is having a birthday party for her daughter July 9th, a daughter she had doing IVF. Kind of feels like a good omen, considering they are predicting we will do the egg removal around July 10th. It is always nice to see families that have went through this, started a family and moved on to happier times.

Lots more to come :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

All ready to go...

Well we are all ready to go for the first shot June 19th. Kathy ordered the Lupron ahead of time, the doctors told us there was a shortage, so we should get our order in right away, that arrived this morning. I called in an ordered to an online pharmacy, Fairview Specialty Pharmacy, which funny enough is located next to the U of M campus. So I was able to pick all of that up after work. Below is a list of what we all have for medicines right now.

Generic HCG
Progesterone in Sesame Oil

Kind of seems like a lot, but it should be too bad. I took HCG shots three times a week for 6 months and when we were at Pracs we got stuck many times a day. Now that I think of that, I wonder if all those meds I took, caused this little problem...Hmmm. Oh well. I think the hardest thing for Kathy will be all the hormones. Some people say that the hormones get a little out of hand, others say it isn't too bad. I guess we will see. If I start asking if I can stay with you, you know it's getting bad. I'm just kidding.

Today is Kathy and my 8 year anniversary. We met 8 years ago May 24, 2003 at Tim and Sam's wedding at the great Doublewood Inn. I was DJing my first wedding dance (technically assistant DJ, being it was my first). I saw Julie, who I knew from NDSU, and visited with her after the dance was done. Kathy walked up to me, a little drunk, and asked if I had seen her shoes. I found them and returned them to her. The next day I invited Julie and Kathy to a bonfire at my parents house. Unfortunately, it was Sunday in Minnesota so no one could get beer. The only people to show up to my last minute bonfire...Lance & Kelly and Dustin. We still had a good time, and Kathy called the next day to thank me for the bonfire and I asked her on a real date. The night of June 3, 2003 we laid in her room watch a movie, I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, and I really wanted to do it that day, because I knew I would remember it, because "3" is my favorite number : ) Unfortunately by the time I got the nerve to ask it was 1AM on the forth. Kathy was nice enough to pretend the 3rd was our anniversary untill Sept 9, 2006, when that became our new anniversary date.


The last 8 years have been a lot of ups and downs, here and there, but I wouldn't change a thing. We are so close to having our dreams come true, with a child of our own. There are some tuff times ahead with all of these shots, but if everything goes well, our dreams will come true. I love you so much. Thank you for saying yes 8 years ago and making me the happiest person alive.