Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Peterson

13 Weeks tomorrow

Tomorrow Kathy will be 13 weeks along. It has been a little while since I posted so we have come a long way since the first real ultra sounds. We got to hear the heart beat twice, both times I teared up a little.

Today we had the best ultra sound ever. The images showed both legs and both arms. He/she was moving all over, I just wanted to sit and watch that monitor all day. At one point he/she crossed their legs and had their hands together, like it was twiddling it's thumbs or praying. :) So far all of the measurements are right on track for a early April birth. The heart beat was 154, some people say that means a girl, but the ultra sound lady assured us that was a bunch of Bologna. He/she is about 6.5 mm long (or 3 inches) and I am proud to say that he/she has two legs, two arms and a heart beat. Honestly, what more could we ask for at this point. :)

So far Baby Peterson has been to a Katy Perry concert, a Twins game (suit level), MN State Fair, and Two Vikings games. He/she has been a busy little guy.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

First "real" ultrasound today...

Today we had our first real ultrasound, we have had a lot of them in the past, but this is the first one that we could see our future baby. As you may remember they put in two embryos and today we found out only one attached. It was a day full of mixed feelings. To start with I was really excited to be able to see our baby(ies), and my heart skipped a beat when we saw the heart beat. It was a very tiny little line that bounced up and down. I can't explain how amazing that feels after all this time trying. At the same time, I have been thinking from the start that I was going to assume both embryos where in there until I heard differently. I just felt like they were little people already developing, so when we found out there was only one in there, it was a bit sad. I asked the doctor at least 2 or 3 times, "are you sure there isn't another one, maybe he is hiding." He assured me that he checked everywhere and there was only one, so I follow it the obvious question, " where did he go?" he said that it was just some very small cells and most likely they dissolved into her lining.

Through out this whole process, all 5 or so years, I have taken great consolation in the phrase...God always has a plan. and that we may not always know it, but things happen for a reason. When we finally found out we are pregnant, I knew that statement couldn't be more true. In the last year, we were able to move close to our families, I have a job that does not involve travel (any more), we were able to come up with the funds to try IVF and were are so lucky to be pregnant. Call it what you want, stars aligning, but I know that God has a plan for our life and believe in him and all will be good.

The last week I start to think about what having twins would really mean: twice as many diapers, formula, car seats, etc. It also means a much higher chance of complications ( possibly loosing both), and it also means twice as much daycare cost if Kathy goes back to work. With all that said, God doesn't give you more than you can handle, I think the last week or so, God and I both decided twins might be a little too much at this time.

At this point I am going to shower our new baby with twice the love, and if down the road God has a plan for another child, then he is going to have to do some more miraculous conception stuff.

Today was the last office visit at The Center for Reproductive Medicine (as long as everything continues to go well). Now to the OB GYN....

Saturday, July 30, 2011

HCG tests

We had the first HCG test Tuesday, Kathy's level was 45. From what the doctor said that is every good. It felt so wonderful when he said Congratulations you are pregnant. :) They left a message with the results on kathy's phone and she waited until she got home from work to listen to it, so we could listen together. When we found out there was a lot of screaming and crying. It was such a happy moment. She went back in Thursday morning for a follow up HCG test to make sure her numbers are increase properly. hey are suppose to double every two days for the next 10 weeks, then start dropping off around 25,000. He level Thursday was 131.

It has been such a wonderful week. We also found out that our due date is April 4th, which is Kathy's Grandma's birthday, who passed away this past years. I'm not sure if that day will become the actual birthday, but for now it is kind of special. Lots more to come...

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Well the transfer went well. Of the 8 eggs they fertilized, only two developed to the stage that we could transfer. They wouldn't put more than two in any ways, but we were hoping to freeze a few incase it doesn't work. I guess God doesn't need backup plans. So here goes our best try with two beautiful little embryos.

Probably won't be any posts for a little while, not sure when we will be telling the family, but will likely post shortly after that.

Thanks for your prayers.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Big Day

Well tomorrow is the big day. Kathy has to take her Valium at 9:15 am and we have to be there at 9:45 am, transfer at 10:15 am. We found out Thursday that they were only able to fertilize 8 eggs, not sure what was wrong with the other 5 eggs. Might have been too small or something. Of the 8, they said on Thursday that 6 of them had split. We haven't heard anything since then so we don't know if the other two also split or if the original 6 are progressing. I guess we find that out tomorrow. We also have to decide by then if we are transferring one or two embryos. This whole process has been really hard on Kathy so we both want to make sure we give it the best shot the first time. It would be really nice not to have to do it again. Wish us luck and say some prayers for us.

Thanks for all your support, we couldn't do it with out you guys.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

baker's dozen...

Well we had the retrieval this morning at 930 am. Every thing went really well, we have 13 little eggs that they will fertilize and hopefully we have a good portion that continue to develop so we can freeze some for later. Depending on how they progress, we will do the transfer either Friday or Sunday. Kathy will be on bed rest for that day and the next, so Sunday would work out well for missing work. Kathy and I are both so excited we can't wait. It has also been good for kathy no injections the last two days.

We will be saying some prayers and hopefully posting again after the transfer.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Last Stim med...

Kathy had an ultrsound and esterdial Friday. The esterdial was 1296 and she had 1 follicle on the left side over 11mm and 9 on the right side. We had another ultrasound this morning, we don't now the esterdial yet, but she had one really large follicle on the left side (20mm x 23mm) and 5 over 15mm on the right side. She also had 5-10 that were 13 or 14mm on the right side. With that in mind the nurse said we should be doing the HCG trigger shot tonight. She has to talk to the doctor about it first, but it looks like we will trigger tonight and do the retrieval Tuesday morning. If everything goes according to plan then we would do the transfer next weekend. They also said her lining was looking really good. I think the nurse actually compared it to a feather bed. She said any little embryo would love it :) kind of funny, but if they are excited about the lining then we are too.

If we do the HCG shot tonight, then Kathy is all done with stim meds for this cycle. No shots at all tomorrow. It would also mean we have a full box of follistim left over, save just in case.

If all goes well we will have a dozen little eggs Tuesday. More to come :) so happy

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

esterdial and ultrasound today

Kathy had an esterdial and ultrasound this morning before work. She has 7 follicles over 10.5mm, which is really good for this early. The doctor/nurse/nurse practitioner (what ever that lady was) said that there is a very good chance we will have at least 13 good eggs to retrieve. She also said there is a chance we could trigger this weekend and do the retrieval Monday or Tuesday next week. So far so good. more to come Friday.

Monday, July 4, 2011

Well the Menopur turns out to be the most painful injection so far. The Lupron and Menopur in the morning and Follistim in the evening. I think the Menopur is more painful, because there is a lot of liquid so it takes a while. We had to come home from the 4th early, because Kathy had an esterdial this morning. She has another one with ultrasound Wednesday morning before work. Hopefully with fingers crossed we are about a week away from the egg retrieval.

We had a really nice 4th with our families back in the Detroit Lakes area. We got a chance to talk with Kathy and Scott, who had little Isabella two years ago after going through IVF. It is so nice to have some one to talk to about this stuff. Next weekend we will be going to Shannon and Doug's for Sammy's Birthday party, another family member who has went through IVF.

Doctors office called and knock the Follistim down to 100 from 150. They said that everything is progressing well.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Quick Update

Kathy had her baseline ultrasound and estrodial today. We should be knocking the Lupron down to .5 ml for tomorrow. We start the stim meds on July 2nd. Then have another estrodial on July 4th. Kind of messes up the long weekend, but it is totally worth it. Kathy stopped drinking when we started the Lupron shots, I don't think she needed to yet, but it is better to get used to not drinking now, then after this works :) a guy can hope right.

Now off to a Twins game...That would be pretty cool if we ended up with Twins ( I'm so going to regret saying that when I'm changing twice as many diapers)

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Well Kathy started with out me Sunday. I was at a bachelor party for one of my good friends, so her mom was nice enough to give her the first and second Lupron shots. She is still taking the birth control pills as well.

Of all things you would think a bunch of guys at a bachelor party would be talking about, one of Aaron's friends and I started talking and it turns out he and his wife are going through the same thing this summer. They are at a different office in Minneapolis that has a three try program. It was kind of nice to talk to another guy about the whole process and everything.

My cousin Shannon is having a birthday party for her daughter July 9th, a daughter she had doing IVF. Kind of feels like a good omen, considering they are predicting we will do the egg removal around July 10th. It is always nice to see families that have went through this, started a family and moved on to happier times.

Lots more to come :)

Friday, June 3, 2011

All ready to go...

Well we are all ready to go for the first shot June 19th. Kathy ordered the Lupron ahead of time, the doctors told us there was a shortage, so we should get our order in right away, that arrived this morning. I called in an ordered to an online pharmacy, Fairview Specialty Pharmacy, which funny enough is located next to the U of M campus. So I was able to pick all of that up after work. Below is a list of what we all have for medicines right now.

Generic HCG
Progesterone in Sesame Oil

Kind of seems like a lot, but it should be too bad. I took HCG shots three times a week for 6 months and when we were at Pracs we got stuck many times a day. Now that I think of that, I wonder if all those meds I took, caused this little problem...Hmmm. Oh well. I think the hardest thing for Kathy will be all the hormones. Some people say that the hormones get a little out of hand, others say it isn't too bad. I guess we will see. If I start asking if I can stay with you, you know it's getting bad. I'm just kidding.

Today is Kathy and my 8 year anniversary. We met 8 years ago May 24, 2003 at Tim and Sam's wedding at the great Doublewood Inn. I was DJing my first wedding dance (technically assistant DJ, being it was my first). I saw Julie, who I knew from NDSU, and visited with her after the dance was done. Kathy walked up to me, a little drunk, and asked if I had seen her shoes. I found them and returned them to her. The next day I invited Julie and Kathy to a bonfire at my parents house. Unfortunately, it was Sunday in Minnesota so no one could get beer. The only people to show up to my last minute bonfire...Lance & Kelly and Dustin. We still had a good time, and Kathy called the next day to thank me for the bonfire and I asked her on a real date. The night of June 3, 2003 we laid in her room watch a movie, I wanted to ask her to be my girlfriend, and I really wanted to do it that day, because I knew I would remember it, because "3" is my favorite number : ) Unfortunately by the time I got the nerve to ask it was 1AM on the forth. Kathy was nice enough to pretend the 3rd was our anniversary untill Sept 9, 2006, when that became our new anniversary date.


The last 8 years have been a lot of ups and downs, here and there, but I wouldn't change a thing. We are so close to having our dreams come true, with a child of our own. There are some tuff times ahead with all of these shots, but if everything goes well, our dreams will come true. I love you so much. Thank you for saying yes 8 years ago and making me the happiest person alive.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mock Transfer

Well I figured out why it is called a mock transfer and not mock extraction. I guess they were just seeing how easy the catheter would go in to place the eggs, so it really was a transfer. That went well, they also checked to make sure she didn't have any cysts or fibroids. Good news everything was clear.

I haven't heard anything back on the STD tests, I guess no news is good news. My semen analysis came back at about 4 million per milliliter, not great but about in the middle for where they have been the last few years.

We also got accepted into the Attain program, although not sure it was much of a long shot for a couple our age, they returned it as accepted with a few hours. The attain program is where you pay one set price and get three fresh transfers and three frozen transfers. If you come home with a baby the contract is done, if you exhaust all options and no baby, you get 100% of your money back, minus medications. It is a really good program, because it takes the pressure off, and you don't have to worry if it doesn't work on the first try. They say it is about a 57% chance of success on the first try, so it could very well take a few tries.

Not much else going on the rest of this month, we have a nurse consult next Monday, not sure what all will be discussed, but then the next date is June 5th, that is when we have to sign up for the Attain program by. Then the 19th , when Kathy starts the daily Lupron injections.

So far so good :)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Day One...

So Monday was day number one, opening day if you will. We also had a 9:45 class to teach us about the medicines and shots Kathy will be taking, took a good hour to hour and a half. Very complicated, we have three different calendars to keep track of everything. As you can see on the last post there is a Google calendar if you wish to follow along. The extraction and transfer dates are just planned at this point, they could shift. At 1PM Monday I had to do a STD test, I guess if you refuse this test, then they store your eggs and semen with other unverified specimens. Kind of weird that it would matter, but it was just a blood test, no Q tip up the pee hole. Then I had to provide a semen sample for a semen analysis and to freeze a sample incase the extraction day comes and I have to soldiers left, that would be sad if I didn't have even one :(. Kathy had a blood test Tuesday for her FSH levels and Estradiol, She starts birth control pills tomorrow and is on them until June 22. This prevents her from ovulating early, so no sugar pills. On Monday the 16th she has a Mock transfer, where they go in and see how hard it will be to get access to the ovaries on the day of the real extraction. Which now that I write this, why is it a mock transfer and not mock extraction? Not sure on that one. She also has a Saline Infusion Sonogram on Monday, this is similar to when they put a dye in her tubes and make sure they are open. She has o take a Z Pak the day before the SIS, I believe that is an antibiotic. Sorry I don't have more detail on some of these things, there is so much to know and remember. We were also supposed to have the cash ready for next Monday, but we are still waiting to see if my insurance will cover the ultrasounds and medicines. So probably be a few weeks before we need that. And that is basically May. June will involve a lot of medications and shots, and July will be the big procedure. I've heard from people that all the medicines will really take there toll of Kath, but I have also heard that it is a slow and steady increase and it should be too bad. I really hope for Kathy's sake it is the second options.

We love you all so much, thank you for your prayers and support.

Monday, May 2, 2011

almost there...

One week from today, Kathy and I have three IVF appointments. One to discuss how we administer the shots and medicine. Kathy also has the mock transfer, not 100% how close they actually get to the real transfer, but it has to do with seeing how easy they can get to the ovaries. Then at 1PM I have a STD test ( I guess if you don't do this part, then they store your sperm and eggs next to other none verified eggs...scary), semen analysis and a sample to freeze. Backup incase implantation day comes and I don't have one good sperm :( that would be pretty sad. Getting pretty exciting. Kathy was supposed to have day one of her cycle this past week, hasn't made it yet, kind of pushes the schedule back a bit. But hopefully it will be soon. The clinic is also doing a pre-authorization to see if our insurance will pay for the monitoring and/or the medicine. That would sure be nice. We've know for a long time they won't pay for the procedure, but if they picked up one or both of these, it would sure be nice.

Monday, April 11, 2011

IVF consultation today

Well, a few more months have passed. It seems like this kind of thing sure gets drug out. We had an office visit today with Dr. Malo at the Center for Reproductive Medicine in St. Paul. Everything went really well. We are going to do some testing and hopefully get Kathy on some meds this week. Possible first round of IVF in June. IVF sure isn't cheap, but we are thinking of doing the Attain program that has three fresh cycles and three frozen cycles for one price, with a money back guarantee. It should make the whole process a lot less stressful, knowing that we don't have all our eggs in one basket :).

Since the last post, we have learned that not only does Kathy have PCOS, she also has Endometriosis. With that and my low sperm count, IVF seems like the only option at this point. The nice thing is IVF with ICSI only requires one healthy sperm and the doctor said being pregnant can actually make Kathy's PCOS and Endo better. I was really worried they could make it worse.

I am so excited. Hopefully this year will be the year. Hopefully a lot more posts to come.