Saturday, July 30, 2011

HCG tests

We had the first HCG test Tuesday, Kathy's level was 45. From what the doctor said that is every good. It felt so wonderful when he said Congratulations you are pregnant. :) They left a message with the results on kathy's phone and she waited until she got home from work to listen to it, so we could listen together. When we found out there was a lot of screaming and crying. It was such a happy moment. She went back in Thursday morning for a follow up HCG test to make sure her numbers are increase properly. hey are suppose to double every two days for the next 10 weeks, then start dropping off around 25,000. He level Thursday was 131.

It has been such a wonderful week. We also found out that our due date is April 4th, which is Kathy's Grandma's birthday, who passed away this past years. I'm not sure if that day will become the actual birthday, but for now it is kind of special. Lots more to come...

1 comment:

  1. YAY!!!!!!!! Congrats:) So happy for you 2...actually 3;)
